We are a professional bag manufacturer offering a wide range of bags. Our factories are situated in Fujian and Henan provinces, China.
Our main products are Backpacks, Sports Bags, Hunting Bags and Shoulder Bags manufactured in our Fujian factory and we produce Shopping Bags in our manufacturing facility in Henan.
Most of our bags are made of Polyester or Nylon; the Shopping Bags are made of cotton, organic cotton, non-woven material and PP woven or recycled PET material.
Our factories have produced bags for well over 20 years and we have served customers in 60 countries around the world. Our main customers are mass retailers
and importers, but we also export to promotional products and advertising premium companies.
Our bag export is handled by our Shanghai head office, which is in charge of sales for the factories and will attend to your inquiry and factory visit if you travel to China.